National Education Standards are the minimum criteria for learning at the higher education level in universities throughout the jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The scope of this procedure starts from the formation of a Curriculum Development Team by the Department, involving the Lecturers of Subject Lecturers, distribution of the results of curriculum development to the Departments and distribution of the curriculum tools to Lecturers of Subjects by the Department.
The Objective
Provides practical guidelines for various parties that involved in Unesa to develop the curriculum and provide directions of the purpose for the implementation of the 2021 Unesa MBKM Curriculum.
The Scope
1. Taking the Lecture at Universities Outside Unesa In accordance with the 2020 Unesa MBKM guidelines, the Department is obliged to facilitate the rights for students (can be taken or not) to:
(1) Can take credits outside of tertiary institutions for a maximum of 2 semesters or the equivalent of 40 credits.
(2) Can take credits in different study programs at the same university as much as 1 semester or the equivalent of 20 credits.
Based on this, students of the Faculty of Education Study Program can take courses from Study Programs at Universities outside Unesa, with additional provisions:
(1) The study programs at these other universities have the same or higher accreditation than the study programs from which the students came from at Unesa, except that the competencies that students want are only available in universities under the accreditation of the Unesa study programs.
(2) Students who take courses outside the study program must be in accordance with the graduate learning outcomes (CPL/ Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan) of the study program.
(3) Students have a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) as low as 2.75. (4) Students program at SIAKADU Unesa according to the courses offered in the Study Program curriculum structure
2. Taking Lecture in Other Study Programs at Unesa Students can take courses in other study programs within Unesa to support the fulfillment of learning outcomes with more diverse learning and socio-cultural contexts. Therefore, the Study Program can formulate:
(1) The name of the elective course explicitly appears to be taken by both the students of the Study Program and other Study Programs
(2) The elective course (without mentioning the name of the course explicitly) with a total of 20 credits, which will be students can take other study programs at Unesa. Taking courses in other study programs can be done gradually in several semesters, or all at once in one semester. Administratively, PPTI Unesa facilitates this possibility at SIAKADU Unesa.
3. Student Activities Program Outside Unesa In accordance with the Free Learning Guidebook (Kemdikbud, 2020), student activities outside the campus for 6 (six) months, can be carried out as follows:
(1) Undertake one program which is equivalent to 20 credits that are relevant to the competence or CPL of the study program obtained by students during the program, or
(2) Structured with relevant courses with a maximum weight of 20 credits.
Therefore: a) If the study program uses the first pattern, the study program must map the Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) that are relevant to the processes and tasks when carrying out one of the 8 MBKM activities, namely internships/work practices, village projects, independent studies or projects, entrepreneurial activities, humanitarian projects, research or research, teaching assistance in education units, student exchanges. so that the CPL does not need to be presented again in the course (already integrated with internship/PLP). Thus, the internship/PLP course has a weight of 20 credits with mapped CPL content. b) If the Study Program uses the second pattern, then the Study Program maps the courses that are structured in a number of 20 credits into one of the 8 MBKM activity programs. Thus, the course has a weight of 3 credits, but is carried out for 1 semester, with additional courses that have been mapped by the Study Program. c) Study Programs need to formulate methods for student learning activities by utilizing ICT, so that these patterns produce the expected learning outcomes.
(3) Administratively, PPTI Unesa facilitates this possibility at SIAKADU Unesa